Deciphering the College Admissions and Research Programs

Watch this recorded seminar to understand the holistic review process, the current trends, and the types of research programs.

High School Research: Importance, Benefits, and Challenges

Explore this recorded seminar to deepen your understanding of conducting research during high school years and learn what exactly you need to demonstrate in your college applications

Finding & Demonstrating Passion: Importance of Community Service

Gain valuable insights into the college admissions process by examining this seminar, which delves into the role of community service in application evaluations

Curious to know about The Future of Scientific Discoveries? Watch this TEDxTalk

The below information was presented to students in rural Nigeria, but is absolutely relevant for students across the globe.

This is applicable to kids of all ages, and is meant for both parents and kids.

Are you ready to take the "DARE TO CARE" challenge?